IWA 2:2007 provides guidance for a quality management system in educational organizations.
The guidelines contained within IWA 2:2007 do not add to, change or otherwise modify the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, and are not intended for use in contracts for conformity assessment or for certification.

What is the advantage of executing this Education Quality Management System(ISO/IWA2)

  • Standardized procedures of vocational education and tracing the management and records of documentation can foster the ability to be evaluated regularly.
  • Based on the evaluation demands of Ministry of Education and the checklist for establishing ideas of international education quality, the teaching quality of teachers and their ideas of guaranteed quality can be strengthened; the education quality of schools can also be elevated.
  • We can establish a procedure for managing the intellectual asset possessed by the school at present.Therefore, the value of the school’s assets can be elevated. Then the school can also create intangible capital meanwhile.